The Home for all of your sports,social commentary, and sometimes professional wrestling...ok a lot of professional wrestling.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Back in the day...
Jon Stewart said those prophetic words way back when in 1998. This was before we were mired in two wars and in the worst economic crisis in decades. Remember that year? Let me take you back there; the 1998 Winter Olympics were held in Nagano entertaining literally tens of Americans, the FDA approved Viagra much to the chagrin of gold diggers everywhere, and the greatest threat that the American people have ever faced surfaced. A man cheated on his wife. Not just any man though, this man was the president. A president got a little "love by mouth" by a woman who was not his wife. How could the good American God let this happen?
If you don't remember this case, allow me to refresh your memory. See in 1992 we the American people elected this super ritzy Rhodes Scholar to the office of president and all hell broke loose. Sure he signed the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 which required large employers to allow employees to take unpaid leave for pregnancy or a serious medical condition, signed the Brady Bill which imposed a five-day waiting period on handgun purchases, or that his presidency oversaw one of the largest surpluses in American history. This man was a chronic adulterer and as we all know, people in power have never cheated ever in the history of the world.
Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky. Not women who saw their chance to capitalize off sleeping with a powerful man. No, they were helpless victims in the web of lies and deceit spun by the Hillbilly from Hope. And the man smoked marijuana, that’s the devil's grass. Yes sir, the country was certainly in trouble.
Yet at our darkest hour in rode a hero from Crawford. Never mind that he was arrested for a DUI while in the Air Force reserves. Never mind that there are numerous rumors of past cocaine use, and an overall unimpressive academic career. No...there was something different about this man. I mean what else can be said about a man who told terrorists to "bring it on?" This man is the epitome of an American bad ass and he has no apologies about it.
While we struggled as a nation to find out what the best way to deal with terrorism on our own soil, this visionary not only got us into a war in Afghanistan, but midway during that war he got us into another war with Iraq. And his basis? All lies! That story about weapons of mass destruction? That was a work of pure art. And all of you going on and on about lying to start a war, get over it. He did what was best for the American people. And now as we sit on the verge of losing the great American leader, we can only look forward to some egg head with fancy degrees from Harvard to lead this nation.
Sigh...I bet he won't even refer to all terrorists as Islamic. And he calls himself Presidential material.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Something Good...

Monday, November 10, 2008
Amrmadilloes Suck

fuck you Dillo.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Life Lessons I Supose
Lady: Gabriella, 21
Suggested by: Latoya (my twin)
Now Gabriella works with my sister and let’s just say that she did not let me forget that. The plan was to go to the movies and then get dinner. Although we saw the movie A Scanner Darkly (good movie by the way), and although the movie is dark, she somehow found a way to talk all throughout the movie and bring interior designing and her dreams of being a singer. Afterwards she tells me, “I don’t think I could ever be with someone who wasn’t vegan, are you a vegan?” After saying I was not, she explained to me the horrors animals go through. I then made the joke that for every animal she didn’t eat, I would eat three. She didn’t find it funny. Date over.
Lady: Stacy, 19
Suggested by: Rena (oldest sister)
Dinner at Café Iberico, an hour and a half of telling me how horrible her ex boyfriend was, she asks me how many children I want. Strike one. The she tells me she wants to get married within the next year. Strike two and three. Check please.
Lady: Karen, 21
Suggested by: Mittie (middle sister)
So as I picked this girl up, I was the most attracted to this girl. That said as soon as she got into the car, the first words out of her mouth was “I got a man already, I just want to teach him a lesson”. So I ended up sitting in a sports bar and drinking red bull vodkas and talking basketball with the bartender while she texted her boyfriend all night. Then got an attitude when I spoke to a girl I went to high school with, classy.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A New Day...

"Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn't matter with me now, because I've been to the mountaintop.
And I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land! And so I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man!Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!!"
-Martin Luther King, Jr
Monday, November 3, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
November 4th

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Top Three Point Guards

Top Three Shooting Guards

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Top Small Forwards

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
OJ...Damn It
I came up with many theories to support my hypothesis that the Juice did not put the squeeze ob these two innocent people. But his latest actions just have me finished. In fact I wanna accuse OJ of crimes I KNOW he didn't commit. Did OJ kill JFK? You got it. Did he rape that girl in Colorado and blame Kobe? Pass the kool-aid. He rig the election in 2000? Oh sweet Jesus yes.
This dumb ass shows up to some hotel room with a bunch of thugs and tries to steal a bunch of memorabilia that he signed and SOLD and this moron brings guns. A man accused of murder show up and brings guns. So I am through. I now need someone else to defend religiously. I wonder what R. kelly is up to these days...
Top Three Power Forwards

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Colin Powell= Model American

I have always had so much respect for Colin Powell, not just for his service to this country but because he is a man of such high character. Listen to what he said about his own party regarding the assertions that Barack Obama was a Muslim:
Basketball Season...Yes!

Monday, October 20, 2008
Kyle Orton= Pimp

29/32 for 337 yards and two touchdowns and rushed for two more. Kee-ya bitch. So congrats Colt, now that I have endorsed you I am sure you will fall from grace much like Knowshown Moreno and Chase Daniel.

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Glenn Beck is a mega-douche.
"With that being said, you are a Democrat. You are saying, 'Let's cut and run.' And I have to tell you, I have been nervous about this interview with you, because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.' And I know you're not. I'm not accusing you of being an enemy, but that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way."
So Mr. Beck is that racist? Or how about when you ran a fake ad as your picture of the day which reccomended that we turn the bodies of illegal immigrants into fuel. That's just knee slapping funny. How can I take this guy seriously? He was one of the idiots who believed there was hidden messages in American currency. Ri-goddamn-diculous. Basically here it is, voting against Obama is not racist...if you have a reason other than his middle name is Hussein or you think he is a Muslim. If you vote on the issues, don't worry about this. And if you are offended it appears I may have hit too close to home.
Also for further reading I would suggest this article by Roladn Martin
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Disrespectful Banter
Monday, October 6, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Children Are Our Future.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Chocolate Heisman Standings
Not to say that Tebow's number's are not good, but he is in the five position due to the fact he is the defending Heisman winner. Florida is a much deeper team this year so the odds if him putting up the numbers he did last year are slim to none, but he is still a beast of the highest order.
4. Jeremy Maclin, WR/KR, Missouri: 26 receptions, 391 yards, 4 TDs; 8 rushes, 43 yards, 1 TD; 12 punt returns, 123 yards; 7 kickoff returns, 217 yards, 1 TD.
Simply put, he is the most elusive man in all of college football. If you get the ball in his hands in open space he is a threat to go the distance every time.
3. Javon Ringer, RB, Michigan State: 143 rushes, 699 yards, 11 TDs; 4 receptions, 37 yards; 9 kickoff returns, 200 yards.
While I believe that the Big Ten is overrated, on thing that is the workhorse playing in East Lansing. The extremely durable back leads the nation in over 30. Oh and did I mention he returns kicks as well? If he keeps this up he could bring a little of the luster back to the Big Ten that the SEC has beaten off of them in the past few years.
2. Knowshown Moreno, RB, Georgia: 69 rushes, 455 yards, 9 TDs; 7 receptions, 96 yards; 2 punt returns, 30 yards.
IT's hard for the Puma to put Knowshown on here because it would mean admitting my boy Young Swole was right. But he hit the nail on the head when he talked about this youngster being the most complete back in the nation after seeing his virtuoso performance in the desert last weekend.
And the leader of the pack in the innagural Puma Heisman standings is...
Chase Daniel, QB, Missouri: 101-of-133 passing, 1,412 yards, 12 TDs, 1 INT; 14 rushes, 74 yards.
The man is putting up Tecmo Bowl number this season and he plays in the highly competitive Big 12 which earns him extra points in my eyes. And although he played Buffalo last week he did complete 20 consecutive passes which is impressive no matter who you play.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Old People...

I find that to be funny as well. Now this wouldn't be a big deal to me if Obama wasn't running against an old man. John McCain who has said let's export cigarettes so we can kill Iranians, sang "bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran," to the tune of the Beach Boys Barbara Ann, and to you femisinists out there he was even caught on tape calling his wife Cindy a "cunt." He explained it by saying it was a joke. Well I would hate to hear what he says to here if he was pissed, also doesn't bode well for him trying to gain women voters, but that's another story. I guess we can let him off the hook, I mean he was a POW...and he's old.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Top Ten Athletes of 2008...(to date)
When I saw the Sox traded for the oft injured outfielder I thought this was one of the dumbest moves of the off season. Well boy was I wrong. He has batted .292, driven in 100 runs, and leads the league home runs.
9. Kobe Bryant, G, LA Lakers:
All Kobe did was lead the Lakers to the NBA finals and win the NBA mvp. Sounds like a productive year.
8 and 7. Tom Brady and Randy Moss, New England Patriots:
I know they did most of their work in 2007, but it was so impressive that I have to throw them on this list. Brady threw 50 touchdown passes and Moss caught the majority of them (not really, just exaggerating to make a point.)
6. Brandon Webb, P, Arizona Diamondbacks:
No pitcher has piled up wins in a more silent fashion than Webb has this season. A bright spot on an otherwise dark season for the NL West.
5. Kevin Garnett, F, Boston Celtics:
The real reason that the Celtics won the title, he was the defensive force and changed the mindset of the entire Celtics organization, Bill Russell style.
4. Josh Hamilton, OF, Texas Rangers:
No one's emergence this year has been more satisfying to see than Hamilton's. Once almost lost to the grip of drugs, he has come back with a vengeance. After putting on a Ruthian display at the home run derby he has continued to power the high powered Texas Rangers offense.
3. Michael Phelps:
8 Gold medals. Nuff said.
2. Usain Bolt:
Bolt gets the nod because of the fashion in which he won. No sprinter has won in such dominating style...ever.
1. Tiger Woods:
Anyone who knows me knows of my admiration for Woods and that was before the US Open in which he won with a hairline fracture and a torn ACL. The only golfer who can be truly classified as an amazing athlete. Congrats Tiger, you will recieve your Puma Plaque in the mail soon.

Monday, August 25, 2008
Tiger Tiger Tiger Woods ya'll
I know this commercial is old, but it is well done and just resonates with me for a reason. Stay tuned, tomorrow I give you the top ten athletes of the 2008 sports year (to date.)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Guess who's back...
The first topic, the shameful campaign tactics used by John McCain and his camp.
Really? So Barack Obama, the Harvard alum, community activist, and senator is on the same level as Paris Hilton who never graduated high school and Britney Spears who has made more news recently for not wearing underwear? Are you serious? Are you fucking kidding me? This whole campaign is just sickening. This is not the McCain of '08, the rogue senator who went across party lines to do what he thought was right. This version will do anything to gain the vote of conservative republicans. If elected I am afraid he will just be Geroge W. 2.0 (the older version). Well, I guess that's acceptable, as long as he doesn't have a funny sounding name.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
What in the holy hell?
When you see the man pictured above many words come to mind. Strong, brave, intelligent, eloquent. But one word you would not expect to see is terrorist. Well according to the United States, Mandela and other members of the ANC, the group who was wrongfully imprisoned during the time of apartheid were all on the US terror watch list. Wow. You would think that congress would have fixed this years ago, but we've been too busy trying to find out if baseball players balls are shrinking. Glad to see we have our priorities in order.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Underrated Beauties
5. Bridget Moynahan: Best known as Tom Brady's baby mama, this actress has starred in over 16 movies and is without a doubt just a stone cold fox. Yowza.

4. Amerie: This little songbird...mmm.
3. Jessica Lucas: If you don't watch CSI or have seen the movie Cloverfield you may not know who she is, so allow me to tell you a little about her...she's gorgeous.

2. Tina Fey: Although she was on the list of Maxim's unsexiest, I had to disagree, one has to find her intelligence timing and girl next door cuteness sexy.
And the most underrated beauthy in all of Hollywood according to the Chocolate One is....

Lauren London. Described by many as the next Halle Berry this young lady may be overshadowed by the idiots of the Hills on magazine covers but given her beauty and the fact that she actually has talent means there is no need to worry, she will get her shine and when she does watch out. You know I will.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
So Long

One of my favorite comedians of all time passed away recently. So in memory of this great and filthy man I give you the seven words you can't say on tv. Enjoy.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Here we go again...

This is the football force and police magnet known as the Pacman, Adam Jones. He is well known for being arrested six times since being drafted by the Tennessee Titans. Since being suspended by the league for a year he has successfully avoided being arrested and has been relatively quiet.
This is Don Imus:

He's a racist phenomenon known for bashing women's basketball players from Rutgers and now this:
I really don't even know how to react to this...can someone explain to me why he still has a job?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Tiger Woods is super hero good.
This is Tiger Woods. Now he recently won the US Open. Now that is impressive in it's own right, but Tiger did this on basically one leg because he had surgery on his knee and was not fully healed yet. He even said he was at about 75-80%. This should have given the 80+ other golfers in this tournament a perfect chance to dethrone the king of golf right? Wrong. Tiger beat the majority of the golfers during the first four rounds and dispatched of Rocco Mediate on monday. So let me get this straight, on one leg and having not practiced regularly for over eight weeks and he is still the best golfer in the world? Now that is just sick. He is so good that he only plays in a little over a third of the tournaments held by the USGA and he still wins half the tourneys he enters. Ridiculous.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Tim Russert
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
My Five Favorite Sports Commercials of All-Time
This gave soccer a street feel and opened it up potentially to a new audience.
4. Chicks Dig The Long Ball:
Tom Glavine and Greg Maddux get a little jealous, great job making fun of the surge in home runs.
3. Basketball Freestyle:
With the explosion of the streetball culture nobody captured the style and sound like this gem.
2. MJ Failure:
The essence of Mike in this one.
1. MJ vs MJ
Of course the greatest Nike commercial has to have the man who revitalized the company. In this we see an elder Mike take on a younger version of himself.
Honorable Mention:
My Better is better:
Saul Williams plus some of the best young athletes in the world? You got it.
Kirk Cameron? Wha?

So Mike Seaver from Growing Pains has a new show on The Bible Network. Now I know you're wondering why I was watching this, well I saw Mike Seaver and had to stop. Anyway, he walks up to people and asks questions like have you ever lied, and then when the person says yes, he berates them with bible verses and calls them liars. He does this to like 4 people I saw and he just going nuts with people. I would really freak out if I was called a lying thief by an 80's teen hearthrob. Hey Mike Seaver, looks like someone is becoming a "Growing Pain" in the ass. Calm down.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
NBA Finals Preview (Chocolatey Edition)
Point guard: Rajon Rondo vs. Derek Fisher
In this battle we have the talented young point guard against the seasoned veteran point guard. Rondo is at his best when the Celts are pushing the ball, and Fisher is at his best when the Lakers are running their triangle offense. In this battle I think the youth and talent of Rondo is evenly matched with the experience and playoff knowledge of Fisher.
Edge: Even
Shooting Guard: Ray Allen vs. Kobe Bryant
While Ray Allen is one of the best shooters of his time, Kobe is possibly one of the most talented players of all time. No question Kobe wins this battle.
Edge: Lakers
Small Forward: Paul Pierce vs Lamar Odom
Lamar Odom is one of the most versatile players in the NBA. With his size and ability to handle the ball he can play four positions on the floor. That said there have been questions about his motivation. Paul Pierce is just flat out a beast. He shoots the ball, is dangerous driving to the hole and is one of the best rebounding small forwards in the game. With his ability to score, I give the edge to Pierce.
Edge: Celtics
Power Forward: Kevin Garnett vs Vladimir Radmonovic
I don't even need to analyze this one. Garnett is one of the best rebounding and defensive power forwards ever. Oh and he can score any way he want really. Gonna be a long day for whoever is guarding KG.
Edge: Celtics
Center: Kendrick Perkins vs. Pau Gasol
Perkins is a young, ferocious rebounder and plays with tenacity. Pau Gasol is a finesse center by trade but can bang when he wants to. He passes the ball very well which makes him extremely dangerous because when you play him to pass he can just as easily take the shot himself. Perkins is going to be a bit overmatched here.
Edge: Lakers
Bench: The Celtics bench is led by Sam Cassell, a playoff veteran and streaky scorer Eddie House. The real wild card is the two headed monster of Glen "Big Baby" Davis and Leon Powe. Both provide great sparks off the bench with their scoring and rebounding. The Lakers have the tenacious Rony Turiaf, not to mention the great passing Luke Walton, and Jordan Farmar. I gotta call a push on this one.
Edge: Even
Coaching: Doc Rivers vs. Phil Jackson
Really? Does this even need to be examined? Doc Rivers hit the lottery with the pick up of Garnett and Allen, two players smart enough where they really don't need coaches. Whereas as Jackson is one of the most accomplished coaches of all-time having coached and nurtire this current team to the top. One of his finest jobs to date. This one is no contest.
Edge: Lakers
Series: Lakers in 6.
MVP: Kobe Bryant
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Lay off Kobe
* She was seen at a party hours later bragging about the size of Bryant's penis and giving graphic detail.
*She asked for an autograph after they finished having sex.
* There was more than one sample of semen found in her underwear.
Do these sound like the actions of a rape victim? Kobe was wrong to cheat, but Katelyn Farber was wrong to accuse him of rape when it obviously did not happen. Where are her hecklers? But I guess she's gone through enough, I mean it's not like people are calling her a rapist.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Michael Jordan...The Greatest

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
We all know the story, a skinny and awkward 16 year old tries out for the varsity basketball team and is cut on the first day. He comes back the next year and not only does he make the team, but he is the leading scorer for the team his junior and senior seasons. In fact he not only led them in scoring, but he also led them to two state titles. He goes on to University of North Carolina and wins a NCAA national championship. After that he goes on to destroy the NBA scoring records and defies the laws of gravity on a nightly basis. But the most dramatic moment night of the illustrious career of number 23 came on June 14, 1998.
It was a warm night in Salt Lake City, Utah, where the Chicago Bulls are preparing to defeat the Utah Jazz for the second year in a row, and earn their third title in a row. The Jazz were indeed a strange bunch. They all seemed to have bad haircuts, wore shorts that were a little too far north of the knee, and their nickname made no sense seeing how you were more likely to see a polar bear ride a tricycle with a Hitler helmet on down State Street before you found a decent jazz club in the land of Mormons. But on the court, if anyone was going to end the Bulls dynasty, it would be this fundamentally sound squad from the land of polygamy.
The game began a little after 8:30 eastern time, 7:30 central time, and from the start you could tell it was going to come down to the wire. The Bulls came out of the gates quickly, with long armed defensive wizard and small forward Scottie Pippen had the hot hand in the first quarter. The Jazz answered right back with the back and forth passing of Jeff Hornaceck and John Stockton. Shandon Anderson’s solid play also energized the experienced Jazz squad.
The second quarter got underway pretty much the same way the game began, just insert number 23’s name where Pippen’s had been as the leading scorer. The Bulls built up a little lead, but unfortunately for me and the rest of Chicago, the Jazz came back again and this time they took the lead. Things were really looking down as the second quarter came to a close. It was going to take some good coaching or better yet another superhero like performance from the man whom Larry Bird called Jesus in sneakers after a younger version of 23 raped the Celtics defense for 69 points.
The third quarter came, and the back and forth struggle between the team that would be kings and my beloved Bulls. Ron Harper steeped his streaky play up, Dennis Rodman kept rebounding and playing tight defense deep into the fourth quarter. The Jazz began to attempt to pull away at the five minute mark of the fourth, and then number 23 had enough. He pulled up for a pair of three pointers and had a crucial block on Jazz forward Chris Morris. The game came down to 25 seconds and the ball was in the hands of future Hall of Famer John Stockton and he did what everyone knew he would…he passed it to their superhero number 32.
Future Hall of Fame forward Karl Malone caught the ball on the left block and posts up Dennis Rodman. All of a sudden a red streak slaps the ball and takes it away. The clock is at 15 seconds, and Michael Jeffrey Jordan, born in Brooklyn, but raised in Charlotte, North Carolina brings the ball up the court. Apparently the Jazz thought that Jordan had used up all his magic against them last year as they did not double team him as soon as crossed the half court line. The Utah Jazz small forward Byron Russell slid over in anticipation, hoping to stop Jordan from doing to the Jazz what he had done to the Knicks, Pacers, and Cavaliers. Jordan drives to his right, and Russell is with him every step of the way. All of a sudden…bam. Jordan stops on a dime and crosses over to his left and pulls up for a jumper. Silence as the ball gracefully floats through the air. It is too late for Russell to jump as Jordan has just put him in the same class as John Starks, Patrick Ewing, Craig Ehlo, and Reggie Miller. Grown men who have been reduced to tears and had their dreams taken away by his greatness.
Friday, May 30, 2008

Really America? The above image makes you think of a terrorist because of a scarf? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my entire life. According to right wing blogger Michelle Malkin, "(the scarf) has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad. Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant (and not-so-ignorant) fashion designers, celebrities, and left-wing icons.” She later goes on in her post to describe the kaffiyeh as "distinctive hate couture." What the kaffiyeh is a traditional headdress of Arab men made of square cloth. That's it and nothing else. To say one piece of clothing from the Muslim culture automatically means terrorism is to boil that culture down to nothing but violence, which it obviously is not. The sad part is the majority of Americans will think like Ms. Malkin and let fear force them into disrespecting a respectful region and religion where the majority are just like us.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Fair and balanced?
Now anyone who knows me, knows I am not a fan of Fox News, thus I am posting this to show why. Keith Olbermann one of my favorites out there destroys Billy O'Reilly. Enjoy.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
2008 Mock Draft (Chocolate Edition)
1. Chicago Bulls: Derrick Rose, PG, Memphis
The Bulls select the most NBA ready player in the draft. He is an immediate upgrade over Kirk Hinrich, and can help the Bulls reach their potential in a quicker fashion than the aforementioned Hinrich. While Beasley is tempting, Drew Gooden is more than serviceable at power forward.
2. Miami Heat: Michael Beasley, PF/SF, Kansas State
Miami will take whoever the Bulls don't take and be happy with it. Beasley has the talent to be a once in a lifetime player. He's a ferocious rebounder, an excellent scorer, and has the range to step out to the three point line. The only thing holding him back is Michael Beasley.
3. Minnesota Timberwolves: Brook Lopez, C, Stanford
The best true center in the draft, Lopez is able to hit the 15 foot jumper with consistency and is a very strong rebounder. Drafting him allows the T'wolves to slide Al Jefferson to power forward, his natural position and gives them a formidable front line for years to come.
4. Seattle Supersonics: Jerryd Bayless, PG, Arizona
The Sonics wanted Derrick Rose, but Bayless is the second best guard in the draft. Team him with Kevin Durant and Jeff Green and you have a backcourt that is amazing for years to come.
5. Memphis Grizzlies: Anthony Randolph, PF, LSU
While Randolph is a young and raw talent the Grizzlies have the time to allow him to play and become the player that he has the talent to be. His skill set is similar to that of Chris Bosh.
6. New York Knicks: Deandre Jordan, C, Texas A&M
Eddy Curry isn't impressing anyone in the Big Apple and Jordan has the talent to become the next Dwight Howard. A very good athlete with an explosive vertical and good timing which coulc develop into great timing leading him to be a great rebounder and shot blocker.
7. LA Clippers: OJ Mayo, SG, USC
Mayo, one of the most talked about guards in this class is probably the best scorer in the class and should have no problem hitting the NBA three. He makes sense for the Clippers seeing as they will probably lose Corey Maggette. If Shaun Livingston can return to form that could be an exciting backcourt.
8. Milwaukee Bucks, Eric Gordon, SG, Indiana
Explosive scoring guard who has the potential to be the next Mitch Richmond. Able to hit the three easily from NBA range and has an explosive vertical. Team that with his amazing body control and you have someone who can score easily in the paint.
9. Charlotte Bobcats, Darrell Arthur, PF, Kansas
No one's stock has risen more than Arthur since the Final Four. He is a mature post player who rebounds and plays defense well. Throw him in with a healthy Emeka Okkafor and Gerald Wallace and you have a pretty impressive defensive frontcourt.
10. New Jersey Nets, Danilo Gallinari, SF, Italy
The best player available at this point, could immediately provide a spark off the bench as the backup to Richard Jefferson and improve the team's three point shooting percentage as he is the most natural shooter in the draft.
11. Indiana Pacers, Russell Westbrook, SG/PG, UCLA
Westbrook isn't a true point guard which Indiana needs, but he can play behind Jamaal Tinsley for a year and learn the ropes. He is athletic enough to defend both guard positions and is explosive on the break.
12. Sacramento Kings, DJ Augustin, PG, Texas
Since trading away Mike Bibby the team has been lacking in point guard play. Kevin Martin has turned out to be a great scorer and team him with a dynamic distributor like Augustin and both will benefit. Arguably the highest basketball IQ in the draft.
13. Portland Trailblazers, Kevin Love, F/C, UCLA
The best passing big man in this draft, and the best passing big man that I have ever seen live teamed with Greg Oden, Brandon Roy, Martell Webster and the young Blazers and that is a nucleus not to be messed with. While he is not the most athletic big man, he has excellent range and one of the most intelligent players in the draft.
14. Golden State Warriors, Joe Alexander, SF, West Virginia
Alexander is one of the most tenacious players in the entire draft, just ask the Duke Blue Devils who got a heavy helping of Joe Alexander. Very athletic big man who can shoot the three but is not afraid to drive inside and draw contact. Also has a deceptively good low post game complete with a nice jump hook.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
It never ends...
Wow. Just wow. I thought we had turned a corner.
Everytime one of these idiots makes a statement like this they use the excuse of "I was just trying to be funny." Well I got a question, when are black people, and minorities in general gonna stop being the butt of America's jokes?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
A Real Rant.
Monday, May 5, 2008
The Great Chocolate Album Review

Yes indeed, the eighth studio album from the legendary Roots crew not only lived up to expectations, but blew them out of the water. From track one to the bonus tracks, ?uestlove, Black Thought and the rest of the mighty Roots crew gives fans of true hip hop what we have been yearning for since the release of Lupe Fiasco's The Cool.
Monday, April 28, 2008
A Few Questions

Second Question: Why is Dustin Diamond pissed about being called Screech all the time? If he wasn't on Saved by the Bell no one would know who he is. Get over it numb nuts.

Third question: How is this strung out drug fiend worth over 20 million dollars?
