With the good also comes the bad however. The year got off to a really rough start for the Puma. A good friend of mine whom I had known since I was 14 passed away due to pneumonia. If this wasn’t bad enough my beloved aunt PJ passed away after a battle with cancer that lasted well over a decade. Through all this sadness I looked back over their lives and just remembered their zest for life and how much fun both of these important people were. As cliché as it sounds, remembering the good times got me through one of the worst stretches that I have ever gone through.
But enough of the sadness, time to get what all of you came here for, another best of 2011 list!
Best Movie: The Muppet Movie

Will it be on critic’s top ten lists? Probably not. But this movie took me back to my childhood and my borderline obsessive love of these creations of Jim Henson.
Best Album: Undun by The Roots

I was tempted to give this to Kanye West and Jay-Z for Watch the Throne but then ?uestlove and the legendary roots crew did it again. You have to listen to this album.
Athlete of the Year: Kevin Durant
First he leads the NBA in scoring, second he led the most exciting team of last season on a deep playoff run and to top it all off he is responsible for my favorite basketball commercial in years. Well done Durantula.
Crush of the year: Chrissy Teigen

Be still my beating heart
Now she is engaged to John Legend but it was her hilarious twitter feed and obvious stunning looks that drew me to her. You did good Johnny boy, you did good.
Well gang this has been some of my favorite people and things of the year 2011. What will 2012 bring? Who knows. I can only guarantee that somewhere an obscure third string running back is gearing up for his run at a Kardashian Wedding Special. Happy new year everybody!
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