Wednesday, February 19, 2025

RFK Jr Has Already Made Me Sick

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a dangerous individual. I say this as someone who gets physically ill at the mere sight of this man. Why does the progeny of one of the country's most venerated politicians make me throw up? It's because he is the epitome of someone who is being handed something while he hasn't earned it. This man exists solely on vibes and gets the benefit of the doubt without any proof of any thing. Here's just a few of the reasons he sickens me. 

*He's wholly unqualified.

As I alluded to above, the man has a position currently that he is not qualified for in the slightest. He was by trade, an environmental lawyer, and while I can't speak to how good he was at this he was active in environmental spaces. Since 2005 this dingbat has however railed against childhood vaccines, claimed vaccines give you autism and has written books denying the connection between HIV and AIDS. And this is the man who is the main man on all health matters that reports to the president. Give me a break.

*He Has Directly Led To The Death of Children.

When I said he directly led to the death of children I do not believe this to be a damn exaggeration. This guy went to Samoa to peddle a conspiracy about 2 children dying due to a vaccine. This led to a climate of vaccine hesitancy, there was a measles outbreak and 83 people died, mostly children. The cause of the outbreak was decreased vaccination rates among newborns, from 74% in 2017 to 31–34% in 2018. Nearby islands had rates near 99% and guess what? Those islands didn't get a god damn measles outbreak. Instead of taking some form of responsibility for his misinformation he blamed the deaths on malnutrition. 

*He Has No Backbone.

This one is pretty straight forward. During his doomed run for the Democratic nomination this bastard warbled that he was a “threat to democracy,” a “bully,” and, as recently as July 2024, a “terrible president.” This guy got his ass handed to him and immediately went and kissed the ring and subsequently kissed a certain circus peanut hued ass. Show some god damn pride and stand on your words dip shit.

*He Is A Certified Weirdo.

This guy is in the most polite way I can put it, a fucking weirdo. How do I know this? Well let's see there is the story that he willingly told mind you of the time he say a bear cub get hit by a car. Instead of contacting officials, he put the body in his car and drove back to his home only to realize he didn't have time to go home so he put the body in Central Park and tried to stage it as a hit and run by a bike. His daughter told the story of the time he heard of a beached whale and took it upon himself to drive to the beach with a chainsaw and bring the skull of said whale home, forcing those inside the family minivan to cover themselves with trash bags. This guy is a certified weirdo.

*He IS Racist.

How do I know he is racist? Well when someone tells me who they are I tend to believe them. For years he has targeted black and brown communities with claims that vaccines were made in an effort to harm them. He even floated a conspiracy theory that Covid “ethnically targeted” white and Black people and spared Ashkenazi Jewish and Chinese people. He believes that black people should be on a different vaccination schedule "We should not be giving Black people the same vaccine schedule that's given to Whites, because their immune system is better than ours." This man said this himself in his confirmation hearings not even a month ago.

So yeah, when it comes to the fallen son of the Kennedy clan I guess you could say I am not a fan. He is a man who peddles dangerous misinformation under the guise of making America Healthy. He is a fraud and a charlatan and more people will be hurt than helped with this roided up ding bat at the helm of an already flawed health system. 

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