Alright, so for the most part I enjoyed this season. Like most final seasons there were some hiccups but all in all, for not having the book to rely and having to come up with it on their own I thought it was pretty damn entertaining.
* The Theon Redemption Angle
Look it was great that he was able to save his sister and get over the mental torture that was Ramsay Bolton. That said, catching the L to the Night King was not some great absolving of his many cowardly deeds. At least for your boy that is.
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Fuck this guy. |
* The Death of Cersei
I was completely satisfied with how she went out. For the entire run of the show she has operated as if she was the smartest player in the game. So much so that she thought just because she came up with a plan she was absolutely impervious to failure. Dany showed up with those dragons and said "not so fast player" and she STILL didn't want to admit failure.
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"Oh she breached the wall? I'll have some wine." |
* The Lords and Ladies King Draft
Ok, this scene confused me. They are choosing a king but have no ideas. Sam suggests a democracy and gets mocked heartily. Tyrion suggests it by choosing Bran, who Sansa was kind enough to remind the room that his dick is out of order and unable to sire an heir thus unable to pass the crown and the people will choose his heir.
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"Did Sansa just mention my dick?!" |
* The Battle of Winterfell
Bruh. I mean...bruh. That battle my God was so damn incredible I don't really have the words to properly describe it. From the opening salvo of the Dothraki and their flaming swords riding into the darkness and very slowly those swords all being extinguished. And let's be clear the Night King and his walkers came in and styled all over Winterfell.
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"We about to style ALL OVER these bitches." |
* The King We Were Promised and NOT Delivered
Tyrion says to Jon that he would be a good king because he did not seek power. The people craved a just and true king who truly cared for the people. The man who most fits these qualities is not Jon Snow. The man who fits those qualities and has proven himself to be a capable leader...the one true king...HOT PIE!
That's right. Who better than the scrappy under dog who started from the literal bottom. Who better to lead the downtrodden and be a symbol of human ingenuity? And feeding the poor? Uh my mans Hot Pie got you covered. Did you not see that delicious ass Direwolf bread he baked Arya?
Well folks that about wraps up one of the best regular viewing sessions I had on my schedule and the biggest damn party on twitter. And in the words of the one true king "a good kidney pie is all about the ingredients."
Truer words were never spoken.