The annual Royal Rumble is one of my favorite events ever. There are always surprise entrants and returns that no matter how old I get will always make me lose my shit just a touch. Although I must say this is the first year in quite a while that I was more excited to see a traditional match than the actual Royal Rumble match.
Becky Lynch has been straight fire the last few months and seeing what the plan going into Wrestlemania has me all aflutter. Well without further posturing I give to you, my predictions on how it shall all shake out this Sunday.
Miz and Shane McMahon VS The Bar
So back at the World's Greatest Royal Rumble, the Miz was rolling and appeared to be a shoe in to win the first ever event. Then a phantom injury and Shane slid in at the last moment and won much to the chagrin of everyone. Since then the Miz has been trying to convince Shane that they are co-best in the world.
Ol' baby punches has to look strong. |
The Bar are one of, if not the best tag team in the WWE and possibly all of wrestling. Sheamus and Cesaro have amazing chemistry. But we all know that Shane has to be made to look good with his baby jabs, so unfortunately the better team in this matchup will not win.
Winner: Miz and Shane
Sasha Banks VS Ronda Rousey (Raw Women's Championship)
The outcome of this match is not really in question. I just want to take a moment and make this an appreciation for Boss Bae herself, Sasha Banks. She kinda has been overlooked (along with Bayley, hey boo) in the need to build up others.
Boss Bae forever |
This current feud has reignited the Boss gimmick, and she has been absolutely OBLITERATING Rousey on the mic and on social media. Ronnie hasn't done herself giving some of the worst and least logical promos I have ever heard either. So in another case of someone who should win but won't Sasha is going to be sacrificed so that we get to the fireworks factory of hopefully Rousey vs Becky at Wrestlemania.
Winner: Rousey
Becky Lynch VS Asuka (Smackdown Women's Championship)
Now this is one that could either way. My opinion on this is that Asuka should win this match and she should do it in a way that gives Asuka the respect she deserves as champ and builds her back up as the dominant Empress of Tomorrow. It also has to be done in a way that does not deprive Becky of any of her popularity and credibility.
I would have them fight to either a draw, or I'd have an appearance by Shayna Bayzler to distract Becky. This achieves two things, gives Becky a rage that could play out later in the night, and sets up the rest of the horsewomen for their eventual battle. I say DO IT.
Winner: Asuka
AJ Styles VS Daniel Bryan (WWE Championship)
AJ Styles as champion while not a disappointment it wasn't as good as his chase for the title. Now Daniel Bryan as champion? That's something that we've been able to set our watch to. He is KILLING right now. From getting the word "fickle" over to calling out the generation of baby boomers everything he has done has been gold so far.
I think the money is keeping the title on Bryan and giving us, the fans, the Daniel Bryan title run that we have been clamoring for but head injuries deprived us.
Winner: Daniel Bryan
Finn Balor VS Brock Lesnar (Universal Championship)
This match is odd. Initially it was Brock vs Strowman but then Strowman made Vince angry so he's out and now Finn is in. Now don't get me wrong, your boy is a card carrying member of the Balor Club but a last minute switch just kinda nullifies all the Braun centered storylines from the last month.
Give us Balor Club you cowards! |
Rumor has it Brock wanted to work with Balor so this does have me excited because a motivated beast is gonna give you a great match. And as much as I'd like to see Balor get his title back, it ain't happening now.
Winner: Lesnar
Women's Royal Rumble Match
In my opinion there are two possible winners of the Women's Rumble, Charlotte Flair or Becky Lynch. Given that the real money may be a Ronda-Becky main event at Mania I am leaning towards Becky Lynch. I am looking forward to the legends spots and some of the NXT call ups and of course all the Peyton Royce spots.
Peyton Royce Hive assemble! |
Winner: Becky Lynch
Men's Royal Rumble Match
This one seems to be a no brainer, for the past year Seth Rollins has been carrying the Raw brand. With Roman Reigns out for the foreseeable future the money appears to be with a Brock-Seth match at Wrestlemania.
With all the suspense out I would imagine we'd see a strong showing by Drew McIntyre and of course the Kofi Kingston spot that always will amaze us.
Winner: Seth Rollins
Well folks there you have it, another successful prognostication by your boy! And who knows perhaps I'll even get one or two right! Everything is coming up Milhouse!