Monday, December 2, 2019

November's Sit Your Ass Down Award

Oh its that time once again, the time where ya boy sits upon his throne of pettiness and decides, to much delight by you, my loyal tens of readers, who needs to have a damn seat. Now in the world at large there were no shortage of contenders, hell I could make Devin Nunes the recipient of this award for two months straight due to his shenanigans at the impeachment inquiry but I'm gonna take it to the world of sports for this one. Tiki Barber, huddle up, and sit your ass down! 
Pictured a consummate pro, also pictured Tiki Barber.
Now for those who are unfamiliar with one Tiki Barber he was the extremely likable running back from the New York Giants for a decade. He was extremely charismatic, even had a twin brother in the NFL and seemingly was the kind of guy you would want to look up to if you were in need of a role model who was a pro athlete. Then the wheels kind of came off the bus. So while his college sweetheart was laid up, pregnant with twins mind you, he announced he was leaving her...for an intern he met while working on the Today intern who had babysat his children. 

Now to make matters worse, in an interview with Sports Illustrated, he described hiding out in his agent Mark Lepselter's attic so he wouldn't get caught on his secret trysts. "Lep's Jewish, so it was kind of like a reverse Anne Frank thing." That's right, the man having an affair compared hiding with his lover to hide from Nazi forces! If you're looking for easily a top 5 most despicable statement ever, congratulations you found it! 

Now I bring all this up because Tiki decided to get his name back out there to the masses while on his radio show giving this hot take. "I commend Kaepernick for what he's done past couple of years, but God, he is unlikable and that's frustrating to me because he has so much talent"
Is this guy for real? The last person that should be talking about someone being unlikable is Tiki "I left my pregnant wife for the intern who babysat our children" Barber. Sorry I'm not good at coming up with witty nicknames. Anywhoo, are there ways you can criticize how Kap has handled WorkoutGate? Sure. Is basing it off likability by a man who you can easily google his infidelities the move? HELL NO. Tiki is so damn awful that he got his twin brother canceled just because they look alike. Ronde Barber ain't do shit but stay with his wife and play football and now that man gets relegated to the C-Team of announcing on Fox Football. 

Well folks, that's all I got. Until next time ya'll be easy. 

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