As I sit down to write this we're fast approaching the the first revolution around the sun for the Chocolate Cub.
Nothing in this world has ever come close to being his father. I joke often but it's true, every day I wake up it's like meeting a new dude, armed with something new that he is excited to show me.
Sometimes when I wake up of course you're thinking, man another hour of sleep would be sweet but then I hear him without fail, usually standing and yelling "Dada!" It usually takes all my restraint not to excitedly run in and see my boy.
From day one this kid has been a dream. He was so laid back back that his mother didn't even realize she has begun to go into labor with him. I arrived to work, was remarkably bored and then boom, got the call, and was off. After an uncomfortable night on the couch in the delivery room (I'm sure my wife was sooooo comfortable), the boy made a fairly quick entrance on the day he was due. Say what you will but he is punctual if he's nothing else.
I got this baby or straight cash! |
He was so bright eyed and curious just being a few minutes old and it's a quality I am happy to say he has not lost.
I really can't express how amazing it has been to see him grow from a baby, that like all babies didn't have a particular personality, into a crawling, waving, laid back little maniac. It's crazy to see how much of those who came before him I can see in my boy. From his tell of rubbing the side of his head when he gets tired is eerily reminiscent of my grandfather and my own tic of playing with our shoulder when tired, or how my wife says he has the same overbite when he laughs as her grandfather, down to his obsession with cottage cheese like my mother.
I am filled with excitement over the man he is going to be. I can already tell he is going to be taller than me, so I will get my games of one on one in early so I can retire from playing him undefeated and before he can dunk on me. I can't wait to share with him my love of comic book movies (I won't show him any before he's old enough to handle it Kari, don't worry.) I also look forward to him teaching me things. He's already taught me a few things. For instance, when he gets behind the wheel of his little red car, get the hell out the way, your shins are in danger.
"Get in loser, we're getting fruit snacks!" |
But he has also taught me good things that I can apply to other facets of my life. Through him I have become a more patient man, taking the time to be more in the moment. To enjoy things as they happen. Something as simple as grabbing my hands and making them clap or riding around in a basket brings him so much joy which in turn brings me even more joy.
So I'm not sure if there is a real point to this other than I love my boy and I look forward to even more ridiculousness with him.
This may be my favorite picture of him. |
So to you, my laid back, talkative, happy boy, I wish you the happiest of birthdays. You're supposed to be getting gifts today, but you are my greatest gift.
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