Tuesday, May 7, 2019

April's Sit Your Ass Down Award

Another month, another opportunity for me wax somewhat poetically about who needs to have all of the seats. And while there some serious contenders, for instance Meghan McCain who has really taken the "do you know who my father is" act to an entirely new level and James Harden who regularly sidesteps 26 steps while simultaneously complaining about officiating but the winner is a newcomer to these Sit your ass down streets. Sean Grubbs-Robishaw...get your ass up here so you can sit your ass down!

Who is Sean Grubbs-Robishaw you may be asking. Well recently there has been a bit of an epidemic going on with new residents to the community which is home to the prestigious Howard University, one of our nation's foremost HBCUs. And if you take this moment to ask "well, why aren't there historically WHITE universities" please send me your location in a self addressed envelope so I know where to hand deliver this fade for you.

Now back to explaining the situation a touch more. So recently in our nation's capitol at one of it's foremost universities there has been a boom in the housing market. Bringing in tons of outsiders in what can generally be referred to as a gentrification tsunami.
We are Chocolate City! 
This tsunami has brought forth a wave of people who think it's not only acceptable but their damn right to walk their dogs through the Yard at Howard University. Now this may not seem like a big deal but can you imagine this happening at say Harvard? No. The space would be respected.
Enter Ol' Grubby. Who was "kind" enough to verbalize the gentrifier's side of things. Why he feels that if the students feel disrespected they should just "move the campus." And then after feeling the heat from those dumbass comments Colonizing Colin felt the need to respond on the twitter machine. Here are his nuanced thoughts:
I mean this wingding hit the jackpot. He threw in a "you people" and totally Columbus'ed the neighborhood. So just as a note, Howard University has "been in the neighborhood" since 1867. The Yard where the disrespectful dog walking is occurring was named a National Historic Landmark in 2001. Oh and before you go, "oh it's just a park, why can't we walk our dogs there?" BECAUSE THERE'S A DAMN DOG PARK LITERALLY ACROSS THE STREET. You have to go out of your way to be disrespectful.
Since you walking your dog right there, I'mma take it as disrespect.
So to you, Mr. showed up to the party 15 minutes ago and now got your feet up on the god damn table, I invite you to humbly and with all due disrespect, know your role and shut your mouth, and have a damn seat.

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