Thursday, December 27, 2018

30 Years of the Simpsons? Ay Caramba!

While listening to one of my favorite podcasts it was brought to my attention that a certain show just had it's 30th anniversary. That's right folks the greatest television show of all time, The Simpsons. No, I will not debate this. The first 11 seasons were pure GOLD. That's 248 episodes of just episodic perfection. In honor of this I am going to give you...just a few of my favorite moments. What? Did you think I was gonna give you 30 moments? This is free content baby.

Best One Time Character:
Hank Scorpio
South Park had a joke a few years ago about how the Simpsons had already done everything we're seeing today. Turns out it is like that with people as well because damned if they didn't give us Elon Musk all the way back in 1996. The super friendly and also maniacally mad super villain had some amazing one liners. From throwing his shoes out the door in the middle of a fun run to blowing up bridges as a means of intimidation, Scorpio was an amazing use of Albert Brooks. And he gave Homer the Denver Broncos! What a guy.

Best Random Conversation:

I absolutely lose it whenever I see this. I mean it's just so damn ridiculous, who is Mabel?! I have incorporated this saying into my day to day life so much that if you spend any amount of time with me I will probably have quoted this.

The Line I'm Most Likely to Use and Annoy My Wife:
Boy I tell you it could any of the thousands of lines I use daily but the one that I am quite positive elicits an eyeroll is when I quote Marge being shocked at 8 spices being in a spice rack and with a shocked and confused look as she picks one up and reads the label is pure gold.

Most Underrated Character:
Abe Simpson

Without a doubt the senile old coot that raised Homer is by far the most underrated character in my eyes. Not to mention some of the lines he drops, my God, hyseterical. Sometimes he doesn't even have to say anything, just his walking in the room is enough to make me lose it. You know what I'm talking about. Oh you don't?
Just amazing. Never change Abraham, never change.

Best Kent Brockman Lines:
It's hard to choose one. So I won't.

The Line I'm Most Likely to Say At A BBQ Spot:

Best Song In An Episode:

This episode in itself is perfection. A mix of great cameos, a ridiculous premise, and Homer getting the win in an embarrassing fashion. The song was just the cherry on top of a delicious sundae.

Best Advice Given:
I think the best part of this advice is that it was given to Homer on his wedding day. Ladies and gentlemen Abe Simpson is the GOAT for a damn reason!

Well I am sure I left some of your favorite moments off but this is what came to mind and made me laugh extremely hard.

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