Thursday, November 9, 2017

Top 5 Simpsons Scenes (Accordng to the Puma of Chocolate Persuasion)

Now it should come as no surprise to anyone who know the ol' Puma is that he has an obsessive love of The Simpsons. That is the first thirteen seasons. In fact the wife of the Puma will confirm that if I catch the right episode I will laugh and quote along with it the entire episode. I know, I am the absolute worst. That being said I was inspired by a recent podcast suggested to me by a friend (good looking out Tubbs) to give you my favorite jokes. Now granted I could give you probably 100 of these but for brevity sake we'll just do 5. And remember if you don't like it or have a suggestion, this is free content so suck it up!

5. "Potato Man"

Homer attempts to get into a U2 concert and going off the only thing he appears to know about the Irish he comes up with a disguise of a potato delivery man...and it works. It's just so damn ridiculous.

4. "Good Gravy!"

The sense of pride the cook has at this seemingly innocuous statement is just outstanding. And something I say all the time when cooking gravy. My child, wife and dog are all very proud.

3. Robert Goulet

If you thought Will Ferrell was the perfect Goulet then boy were you wrong. From his shock at being told to shut up to his rendition of Jingle Bells, it's just perfection.

2. "Little Bart..."

When Homer believes his family has been killed in a Treehouse of Horrors episode his memory of each is just perfect. Especially his memory of Marge. I lose all composure whenever I see this scene.

1. "Everything is Coming Up Milhouse!"

Seriously if you have never uttered this I question if you have a soul. This is by far for me the funniest scene ever. Never have flood pants been so amusing.

Well there you have it, now as leave I will say this sage warning. "I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary..

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